
Copyrights and Permissions

The TULTECH retains copyright for all articles published in its journals. Articles can be downloaded and read for free by everyone; thanks to an open access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license. The article may also be quoted and used again as long as the original publication is acknowledged. These requirements guarantee that the writers be properly credited while permitting the work to be used and seen as widely as possible.

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Replicate Published Content from Different Publishers

Any published material (figures, schemes, tables, or text extracts) that is not in the public domain or for which the authors do not have copyright must be reproduced with permission, following strict guidelines. The authors should ask the copyright holder for permission (usually the Publisher, please refer to the imprint of the individual publications to identify the copyright holder).


It is necessary to obtain permission for:

- Your own works that have been published by other publishers and for which you have not maintained copyright require permission.

- Significant excerpts from a work or sequence of works by any author.

- Using tables, graphs, charts, schemes, and artwork that has been partly or completely altered.

- Images that you are not the copyright holder of.


The following don't require permission:

- Creating your own table using data that has previously been published elsewhere. Note that in this instance, you must credit the data's original source by using "Data from..." or "Adapted from..."

- Reasonably brief quotes are deemed fair use and don't need authorization.

 - Permission is not needed for graphs, charts, schemes, or artwork that the creators have entirely redesigned and altered beyond recognition. Getting Approved You want to begin securing permits as soon as possible to prevent needless delays in the publishing process. If you are unsure about the copyright, get authorization. Without authorization, TULTECH is not allowed to publish content from other publications.

The copyright holder may provide you with guidelines about the acknowledgement format to be used; if not, end the caption of the Table, Figure, or Scheme with the following: "Reproduced with permission from [author], [book/journal title]; published by [publisher], [year]."