
Copyright and Permissions Policy :

Effective from 2024, TULTECH journals have updated their copyright policy for all published articles. The copyright for articles published in TULTECH journals is retained by the authors. Articles are licensed under an open access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license, allowing anyone to download and read the paper for free. Furthermore, the article may be reused and quoted provided that the original published version is cited. This policy promotes maximum use and dissemination of the research while ensuring proper credit and recognition for the authors.

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Replicating Published Content from Different Publishers:

When replicating published material (figures, schemes, tables, or text extracts) not in the public domain or for which the authors do not hold copyright, strict guidelines must be followed. Permission should be sought from the copyright holder (typically the Publisher; please refer to the imprint of individual publications for identification).

Permission is required for:

- Authors' own works published by other publishers for which they do not retain copyright.
- Significant excerpts from works by any author.
- Using altered tables, graphs, charts, schemes, and artwork.
- Images for which the author is not the copyright holder.

The following do not require permission:

- Creating original tables using previously published data, with appropriate acknowledgment.
- Fair use of reasonably brief quotes.
- Redesigned and altered graphs, charts, schemes, or artwork beyond recognition.

Promptly securing permissions is advised to avoid delays in the publishing process. If uncertain about copyright status, seek authorization. Without proper authorization, TULTECH cannot publish content from other sources.

The copyright holder may provide guidelines for acknowledgment formatting; if not provided, end the caption of the Table, Figure, or Scheme with: "Reproduced with permission from [author], [book/journal title]; published by [publisher], [year]."