International Journal of Innovative Technology and Interdisciplinary Sciences 2024-06-21T14:19:13+02:00 Mr. Alireza Aldaghi Open Journal Systems <p>The <strong>International Journal of Innovative Technology and Interdisciplinary Sciences (IJITIS) (ISSN 2613-7305)</strong> is a reputable open-access, quarterly multidisciplinary journal that serves as a platform for the publication of reviews, regular research papers, short communications, and special issues on specific subjects, all presented in the English language. With a focus on fostering academic exchange and disseminating original research, IJITIS showcases the latest advancements and achievements in scientific research from Estonia and beyond to a global audience. Our journal welcomes original and innovative contributions across various fields of technology, innovation in the sciences, and interdisciplinary studies. We encourage submissions that provide valuable insights through analytical, computational modeling, and experimental research results. IJITIS is guided by an esteemed international board of editors comprised of distinguished local and foreign scientists and researchers. Notably, we actively seek manuscripts that introduce new research proposals and ideas, and we offer the option for authors to submit supplementary material such as electronic files or software to enhance the transparency and reproducibility of their work.</p> The Essence of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Ghana's Mental Health Act, 2012 (Act 846): A Survey in Mental Healthcare and Negligence Issues 2024-05-13T23:17:54+02:00 George Benneh Mensah Maad M M. Mijwil Mostafa Abotaleb <p>This study analyzes the adequacy of Ghana's Mental Health Act in governing the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in mental healthcare and the protections against negligence. Through a comprehensive legal analysis and review of the Act’s provisions, alongside an examination of scholarly literature on AI use risks and benefits, negligence standards, and barriers to negligence claims, several gaps were identified. The Act lacks binding regulations on transparent AI use and liability measures necessary to protect patients. Additionally, the interpretation of negligence standards varies across different regions, and significant social barriers deter the pursuit of claims. This research represents an early legal analysis of AI oversight in the Ghanaian mental healthcare context and introduces a novel framework for assessing barriers to accessibility in negligence claims related to AI use. The findings can inform policy reforms concerning AI use standards and liability in mental healthcare and provide evidence to improve access to justice in mental health-related negligence cases. Recommendations include enacting stringent privacy and consent requirements for AI systems, standardizing minimum care duties across healthcare facilities, removing unreasonable claim caps, and funding access to legal representation. While the Mental Health Act has established some foundational protections, significant gaps remain regarding emerging risks associated with AI use in mental healthcare. Addressing these gaps through comprehensive updates is essential for enhancing both AI regulation and negligence protections.</p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Authors Developing Investigative Skills in Health Rehabilitation Students in Cuba: A Methodological Approach 2024-04-27T13:34:30+02:00 Adrian González Méndez Maytee Suárez Pedroso Berto Delis Conde Fernández Deibis Buchaca Machado <p>University education has the challenge of undertaking a profound transformation to respond to the imperatives of society. The objective of this study is to propose a methodology to contribute to the development of investigative skills in students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in health rehabilitation. The methodology used in this research is a predominantly quantitative research strategy followed, at an explanatory level, by applying different methods at the theoretical and empirical levels. As a result, the actions established in each of the stages of the methodology stand out as an element of change within the scientific result. The study concluded that the validity of the methodology was corroborated by the criteria of experts, who stated that it was very appropriate, and the development of a pre-experiment with the students of Sancti Spiritus Medical Sciences University, where it was demonstrated that the development of investigative skills towards health rehabilitation careers was achieved.</p> 2024-06-21T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Authors